About Me

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Cullowhee, NC, United States
Hi. My name is Amy. I go to Western Carolina University, I'm majoring in Elementary Education, and minoring in Sociology. I love the south, and pearls. If you want to know more, just ask. :)

Welcome to the story of my life!



Tomorrow is the last day of my vacay.

Today, I have done absolutely nothing. Really, I'm sure your thinking that I did do something, but I can honestly say that I did nothing all day today. Well, we did go out tonight, so I guess you could say that I got ready to go out for that. Maybe, perhaps? Yes, I would say so. I love thunderstorms on the beach. It's something that I honestly wish for while I'm down at the beach. Today it happened, but it was one of the scariest moments of my life.

At around 4 this afternoon I decided I wanted to take a little nap. I remember falling asleep, but then waking up to thinking why on earth is my mom being so loud opening up the dresser. I didn't think much of it, and went back to bed. Another minute passed, and I heard the same noise. At this point I was frustrated, got up, and realized that it wasn't my mom being obnoxious and opening the drawers of the dresser. Rather, it was a thunderstorm, a thunderstorm on the beach, one of my favorite things. So I jumped up, and sat out on the porch waiting for the show to start. After watching a few lightning strikes hit, I came to the conclusion that that was probably all it was going to do. I had to go get ready for dinner, so I went to go get ready. Here comes the scary part of the story...

So I step out of the shower, and start to feel the house shake. Every now and then you will feel your bed shake from the wind; But it was way more than that this time. It was the whole house. It would thunder, and the house would rattle. The wind sounded like a train was going by. It was raining so hard that it flooded our driveway, and the main road. I've seen some bad storms before, but nothing like this. After about 15 minutes it was done, and over with. Dad and I waited around for the 11 o clock news to start so that we could see a report on the storm that passed by. Nothing. Nothing was mentioned about it. I guess we are just used to our normal little mountain storms. haha. Anyways, scary thunderstorm on the beach story: Check.

So I was doing a little research online today about what all will be going on at Western in the fall. For example, what movies will be playing, what trips Base Camp Cullowhee will be sponsoring, concerts, and just different activities I can become involved in. I clicked on the concert section where I soon found out that Corey Smith, yes, Corey Smith will be coming to Western on September 9th. Tickets are only 10 dollars for students, which is even better. So I asked around to see if anyone wanted to go. A girl on my hall from last year was like, yes! count me in! So excited about going with Jenna. September 9th can't get her quick enough. Here is one of Corey's songs that I absolutely love. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUfEKvzsfEY .

Ok, long enough post? I believe so.

Good night y'all.

- Amy Annette

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